Introduction to Legal Data Science

Note: Any students that booked the course through the course catalogue after the semester(lectures) started, should please contact the course staff ( directly.
About This Course
This online course aims to introduce students to legal data science and teach them competences in the statistical software R and basic statistics. The course is designed for law students who are interested in expanding their skillset to data science and intend to use these skills to conduct simple legal data science projects, for example as part of their master's thesis or dissertation. The course is conducted online and the course language is English. Enrollment is by the regular UZH course catalogue. An invitation will then be sent to the enrolled students at the beginning of the semester.
Course structure:
- What is Legal Data Science?
- R Basics
- Analyzing and Visualizing Data in R
- Descriptive Statistics in R
- Statistical Inference in R
- Linear regression in R
- Tidy Data
- Text as Data Basics
By the end of the course, the students:
- know how legal data science shapes legal science, jurisprudence and lawmaking;
- know basic concepts and methods of statistics;
- have basic data science skills in R;
- have the competence to carry out simple statistical analyses with legal data in R.
As the course is conducted online and using the statistical software R, students should have access to a notebook on which they can install the statistical software R and R Studio. The online course II does not build on the online course I. Note: Any students that booked the course through the course catalogue after the semester(lectures) started, should please contact the course staff ( directly.
Course staff
- Nicolas Blumer, BSc.
- Prof. Dr. Tilmann Altwicker, LL.M., DAS ETH in Applied Statistics